Aradia Chip "Chip"

Aradia I'm all That
Konishiki Bluff Backchat Chinese Crested
Konishiki Bluff Backchat
Solino's Letterman Chinese Crested
Sh Cm - 1 CC and 6 RCC
Solino's Letterman
Legends The Great Contender Chinese Crested
CERCH, CERJCH, DCH(Club), HRHC, INTCH(FCI), LUXJCH, NLCH, VDHCH, VDHJCH JW Bavaria 2006, JWLeipzig-06, VDH-Bundesjugendsieger2006, VDH-Jahrhundertjugendsieger 2006, VDH- Europeanwinner 2007
Legends The Great Contender
Solino's Exotic Darjeeling Chinese Crested
Solino's Exotic Darjeeling
Shipstone Mrs Tittlemouse Chinese Crested
Shipstone Mrs Tittlemouse
Jayanamee My Lewis
Shipstone Basik Instinct
Babylon Celestial Symphony
Babylon Red Winged Mars - SOM Chinese Crested
Babylon Red Winged Mars - SOM
Churrasco Fabian Chinese Crested
Churrasco Fabian
Babylon's Winged Gaia Chinese Crested
Babylon's Winged Gaia
Babylon White Wind Pandora
Babylon Icarus
Babylon Black Wind Hecate
Aradia Lunar Eclipse
Konishiki Bluff Backchat Chinese Crested
Konishiki Bluff Backchat
Solino's Letterman Chinese Crested
Sh Cm - 1 CC and 6 RCC
Solino's Letterman
Legends The Great Contender Chinese Crested
CERCH, CERJCH, DCH(Club), HRHC, INTCH(FCI), LUXJCH, NLCH, VDHCH, VDHJCH JW Bavaria 2006, JWLeipzig-06, VDH-Bundesjugendsieger2006, VDH-Jahrhundertjugendsieger 2006, VDH- Europeanwinner 2007
Legends The Great Contender
Solino's Exotic Darjeeling Chinese Crested
Solino's Exotic Darjeeling
Shipstone Mrs Tittlemouse Chinese Crested
Shipstone Mrs Tittlemouse
Jayanamee My Lewis
Shipstone Basik Instinct
Babylon Godiva Aradia Chinese Crested
Babylon Godiva Aradia
Babylon White Wind Phaethon
Babylon Icarus
Babylon's Black Wind Hecate
Babylon Regina Coeli Chinese Crested
Babylon Regina Coeli
Babylon's Dorjee
Babylon Crimson Winged Circe
Regenerate pedigree

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