BATM The Fabulis Theodore "Teddy"

All Work & No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy
Muso Grazioso Norman Bring Fortune Chinese Crested
Muso Grazioso Norman Bring Fortune
Muso Grazioso Bring Wins Chinese Crested
Junior Champion of Ukraine, 4xJ.CAC, BOS, BOB, PRA/PLL - clear by parentage
Muso Grazioso Bring Wins
Charuyuschiy Soblazn Yuvento Ar Gold Chinese Crested
Charuyuschiy Soblazn Yuvento Ar Gold
Muso Grazioso Sonia Vivid Choco Beauty Chinese Crested
PRA, PLL - clear
Muso Grazioso Sonia Vivid Choco Beauty
Olivia Monn Goldi Chinese Crested
Olivia Monn Goldi
Milisenta Danay Sakkarra Chinese Crested
Milisenta Danay Sakkarra
Dogland Happy Meygen Chinese Crested
Dogland Happy Meygen
Muso Grazioso Chica Boom Chinese Crested
Muso Grazioso Chica Boom
Ullis Jan Miracolo Dell'anima Chinese Crested
Junior Champion of Ukraine, 3XBest Baby, BIS-4, 5xJ.CAC, 5xCAC, R.CAC, 2xCACIB, R.CACIB, 3XBOS, BOB
Ullis Jan Miracolo Dell'anima
Miss Madmuazel Zhigan Chinese Crested
UKRCH Junior Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Ukraine, Best of the Best of Breed (3xJ.CAC, J.BOS, J.BOB, 6xCAC, R.CAC, CACIB, 3x BOB, 3xBOS, BIG-4)
Miss Madmuazel Zhigan
Neiva Greyis Miracolo Dell'anima Chinese Crested
Neiva Greyis Miracolo Dell'anima
Muso Grazioso Ronni Chocolate Star Chinese Crested
PRA & PLL - clear by parents
Muso Grazioso Ronni Chocolate Star
Ovatii Sharp as Chili Chinese Crested
UKRCH 2XBOB, BOS, CACIB, 5XCAC, R.CAC, PRA & PLL - clear by parents
Ovatii Sharp as Chili
Vosxodyaschaya Zvezda Panna Cotta Chinese Crested
PRA & PLL - clear
Vosxodyaschaya Zvezda Panna Cotta
Catching A Fallen Star
Crest-Vue This Buds For You Chinese Crested
Crest-Vue This Buds For You
Shida Hears A Who At Wocket Chinese Crested
AMCH Sire Of Distinction
Shida Hears A Who At Wocket
Rujha's Mystical Iced Diamond Chinese Crested
Rujha's Mystical Iced Diamond
Shida Legacy Of Sunstar Chinese Crested
Shida Legacy Of Sunstar
Crest-Vue's Rag Doll Chinese Crested
AMCH Dam Of Merit
Crest-Vue's Rag Doll
Crest-Vue's Reach For The Stars
Crest-Vue's First Lady Chinese Crested
AMCH Dam Of Merit
Crest-Vue's First Lady
Mosaic's American Beauty Chinese Crested
Mosaic's American Beauty
Spiritual Count to Ten Chinese Crested
Spiritual Count to Ten
Black to the Future Rainbo Chinese Crested
Black to the Future Rainbo
Mstical Fire Opal Chinese Crested
Mstical Fire Opal
Spiritual Mosaic Black and White Affair Chinese Crested
Spiritual Mosaic Black and White Affair
Spiritual Chasing Rainbos Chinese Crested
Spiritual Chasing Rainbos
Spiritual Hot Property Chinese Crested
Spiritual Hot Property
Regenerate pedigree

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