Victory?s Laurel One Punch Man "Vincenzo "

In My Heart von Shinbashi Chinese Crested
INTCH(FCI), ITACH, SMCH VETERAN WORLD WINNER 2023, ITAVCH, Israel Champion, Vetarn Latin Winner 2023, Veteran ENCI Winner 2023 , Junior Italian Champion, Winter Winner 2018, 10xCACIB, 1xRCACIB
In My Heart von Shinbashi
Omegaville What a Thriller Chinese Crested
Omegaville What a Thriller
Whispering Lane Big N' Rich Chinese Crested
Whispering Lane Big N' Rich
WhisperLn' Boot Scootin' Boogie Chinese Crested
WhisperLn' Boot Scootin' Boogie
Whisperingln' Get Outa My Way Chinese Crested
Whisperingln' Get Outa My Way
X-tra Small von Shinbashi Chinese Crested
X-tra Small von Shinbashi
Delight von Shinbashi Chinese Crested
German Juniorchampion VDH, German Juniorchampion Club
Delight von Shinbashi
Gloss and Glimmer von Shinbashi Chinese Crested
Gloss and Glimmer von Shinbashi
I've Got Foxy Knickers N'Co Chinese Crested
I've Got Foxy Knickers N'Co
Chinois Electrik Dreams Chinese Crested
Chinois Electrik Dreams
Blackheath Inya Dreams Chinese Crested
Blackheath Inya Dreams
Moheath Dark Design Chinese Crested
Moheath Dark Design
Revealed By N'CO Chinese Crested
Revealed By N'CO
Blandora Without A Doubt Chinese Crested
AMCH SOD 35 Champions Produced
Blandora Without A Doubt
Navy Blue N'Co. Chinese Crested
Navy Blue N'Co.
Everyday Mine  Victory's Laurel Chinese Crested
Everyday Mine Victory's Laurel
Jr.Ch. Multi Ch. AmCh. Dakota Rose La Dolce Vita @ MyAngel Chinese Crested
AMCH, GRCH (US), ITACH, MKCH Jr. Italian Ch. Cruft Qul. 2018
Jr.Ch. Multi Ch. AmCh. Dakota Rose La Dolce Vita @ MyAngel
Multi Int. Ch. MyAngel Piccola Peste @ Dakotarose Chinese Crested
HRHC, INTCH(FCI), ITACH, SLOCH Jritch. Handling by Federico Sanguinetti - Riproduttore Selezionato - Campione Riproduttore - Cruft Qualified 2017 - Best Of Champion CCC 2016 - Champion CCC 2017 - TOP DOG ALL CCD ITALY 2016 - TOP DOG in Variety 2017 - Garda Winner 2016/2017 - Winter Winner 2017
Multi Int. Ch. MyAngel Piccola Peste @ Dakotarose
Cristall N Stillmeadow Spirited Monkey Chinese Crested
Cristall N Stillmeadow Spirited Monkey
Cristall n Stillmeadow-MyAngel Our Love is 4ever Chinese Crested
Cristall n Stillmeadow-MyAngel Our Love is 4ever
Solino's It's All about Me Chinese Crested
Solino's It's All about Me
Legends The Great Contender Chinese Crested
CERCH, CERJCH, DCH(Club), HRHC, INTCH(FCI), LUXJCH, NLCH, VDHCH, VDHJCH JW Bavaria 2006, JWLeipzig-06, VDH-Bundesjugendsieger2006, VDH-Jahrhundertjugendsieger 2006, VDH- Europeanwinner 2007
Legends The Great Contender
Solino's Treasure Trove Chinese Crested
CERJCH, ESCH, LUXJCH, PORCH, VDHJCH VDH-Junior Winner Rostock 2011;Junior Winner Annaberg 2011,Junior Winner Erzgebirge 2011, Crufts Qualified,
Solino's Treasure Trove
Soltanto Gussy Up Chinese Crested
ITACH, SLOCH Junior Garda Winner 2016, Junior Italian Champion, Winter Winner 2016, Garda Winner 2017, Crufts Qualification 2018, 15xCACIB
Soltanto Gussy Up
In My Heart von Shinbashi Chinese Crested
INTCH(FCI), ITACH, SMCH VETERAN WORLD WINNER 2023, ITAVCH, Israel Champion, Vetarn Latin Winner 2023, Veteran ENCI Winner 2023 , Junior Italian Champion, Winter Winner 2018, 10xCACIB, 1xRCACIB
In My Heart von Shinbashi
Omegaville What a Thriller Chinese Crested
Omegaville What a Thriller
I've Got Foxy Knickers N'Co Chinese Crested
I've Got Foxy Knickers N'Co
Pani Doktorowa Next Germanika Chinese Crested
Pani Doktorowa Next Germanika
Zholesk Wheaten Grain Chinese Crested
Zholesk Wheaten Grain
CYNIA Next Germanika Chinese Crested
CYNIA Next Germanika
Regenerate pedigree

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