Swifthaven Little Bugsy Malone "Bugsy"

Swifthaven Whatcha Talk'n About Chinese Crested
Swifthaven Whatcha Talk'n About
Can.GCH.Crest-Vue's Move'N On Up With Swifthaven Chinese Crested
Can.GCH.Crest-Vue's Move'N On Up With Swifthaven
Taja Black thorn Candy Corn Chinese Crested
Taja Black thorn Candy Corn
Sherabill Good Golly Its Ollie (Yorkhouse) Chinese Crested
Sherabill Good Golly Its Ollie (Yorkhouse)
Jewels Gotcha Monkey Jamani Chinese Crested
Jewels Gotcha Monkey Jamani
Cristall's Move Over Boyz Chinese Crested
Cristall's Move Over Boyz
Crestars Woofy PF, SOM Chinese Crested
AMCH, CANCH RN, Sire of Merit
Crestars Woofy PF, SOM
Miranda N'Co Chinese Crested
Miranda N'Co
Swifthaven She's Over The Moon Chinese Crested
Swifthaven She's Over The Moon
Swifthaven I'm Sexy N I know It Chinese Crested
Swifthaven I'm Sexy N I know It
Lemiz Ajatiaza's Gran Torino Chinese Crested
Lemiz Ajatiaza's Gran Torino
Swifthaven That's Why I'm Hot Chinese Crested
Swifthaven That's Why I'm Hot
Can. Gch. Amch. Crest-vue's Pin-up Girl At Swifthaven Chinese Crested
Can. Gch. Amch. Crest-vue's Pin-up Girl At Swifthaven
Zucci Summer Shadow Chinese Crested
Zucci Summer Shadow
Crest-Vue's Sweet As Candy Chinese Crested
Crest-Vue's Sweet As Candy
Shantels Miss Kitty
Ch. Cristall-MyAngel Stallone Italiano Chinese Crested
CANCH Canadian Champion
Ch. Cristall-MyAngel Stallone Italiano
Jr.Ch. Multi Ch. AmCh. Dakota Rose La Dolce Vita @ MyAngel Chinese Crested
AMCH, GRCH (US), ITACH, MKCH Jr. Italian Ch. Cruft Qul. 2018
Jr.Ch. Multi Ch. AmCh. Dakota Rose La Dolce Vita @ MyAngel
Multi Int. Ch. MyAngel Piccola Peste @ Dakotarose Chinese Crested
HRHC, INTCH(FCI), ITACH, SLOCH Jritch. Handling by Federico Sanguinetti - Riproduttore Selezionato - Campione Riproduttore - Cruft Qualified 2017 - Best Of Champion CCC 2016 - Champion CCC 2017 - TOP DOG ALL CCD ITALY 2016 - TOP DOG in Variety 2017 - Garda Winner 2016/2017 - Winter Winner 2017
Multi Int. Ch. MyAngel Piccola Peste @ Dakotarose
Solino's It's All about Me Chinese Crested
Solino's It's All about Me
Cristall MyAngel I'm With Her DOM Chinese Crested
Dam of Mertt
Cristall MyAngel I'm With Her DOM
Kalypso's Itza Pirates Life 4 Me Chinese Crested
Kalypso's Itza Pirates Life 4 Me
Cristall-MyAngel Adrenaline Rush Chinese Crested
Cristall-MyAngel Adrenaline Rush
RBIS GCh Asti Exquisite Fur (Cantarell) Chinese Crested
RBIS GCh Asti Exquisite Fur (Cantarell)
Barbelo (Señoret) Chinese Crested
INTCH(FCI) Multi BIS Puppy, Multi BIS Jr, Multi BIS, Jr Mex CH, Mex CH, Panamerican CH, International CH, Intercontinental CH, GCM of the 75 Anniversary, Panamerican CH of the 75 Anniversary.
Barbelo (Señoret)
Golden Diamond Cresteds Beltonboy Chinese Crested
Golden Diamond Cresteds Beltonboy
Cristall  Chinese Crested
Dolce Vita Heybett Chinese Crested
Dolce Vita Heybett
Casmai Standing Ovation Chinese Crested
Casmai Standing Ovation
Billion Dollar Baby Heybett Chinese Crested
SKCH, SRBCH CRUFTS 2014 - 2nd, National Winner, Top Brood 2018 in UK
Billion Dollar Baby Heybett
Regenerate pedigree

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