Konishiki Elderberry "Felix"

Solino's Letterman Chinese Crested
Sh Cm - 1 CC and 6 RCC
Solino's Letterman
Legends The Great Contender Chinese Crested
CERCH, CERJCH, DCH(Club), HRHC, INTCH(FCI), LUXJCH, NLCH, VDHCH, VDHJCH JW Bavaria 2006, JWLeipzig-06, VDH-Bundesjugendsieger2006, VDH-Jahrhundertjugendsieger 2006, VDH- Europeanwinner 2007
Legends The Great Contender
Crestars Legendary Bruizer Chinese Crested
Crestars Legendary Bruizer
Lemiz Valjean Chinese Crested
Lemiz Valjean
Crestars All The Right Moves HL Chinese Crested
Crestars All The Right Moves HL
One Hot Tottie N'Co. Chinese Crested
One Hot Tottie N'Co.
Crestwood Bamboo Bear Chinese Crested
Crestwood Bamboo Bear
A Little Rendezvous N'co. Chinese Crested
A Little Rendezvous N'co.
Solino's Exotic Darjeeling Chinese Crested
Solino's Exotic Darjeeling
The Natural N'Co Chinese Crested
CERCH, DCH(Club), INTCH(FCI), LUXCH, LVCH, NUCH, VDHCH LvW-05,VDH-European Winner 2005 , German Clubwinner 2005 , German Bundessieger 2005
The Natural N'Co
Glebeheath The Guvnor Chinese Crested
Glebeheath The Guvnor
It's All Or Nothing N'Co Chinese Crested
It's All Or Nothing N'Co
Solino's Allure Chinese Crested
Solino's Allure
Shambhala's Hot To Trot Chinese Crested
Shambhala's Hot To Trot
Nazahdi von Shinbashi Chinese Crested
CERCH, CERJCH, VDHCH, VDHJCH Junior Champion CER ,Club Juniorwinner 2001, VDH Bundes-Junior-Winner 2001,Clubwinner 2002 & 2003
Nazahdi von Shinbashi
Shipstone Dapples Dinkum Chinese Crested
Shipstone Dapples Dinkum
Lacdee Rocket Man
Habiba Yankee Doodle
Moonswift Astral Raider Chinese Crested
Moonswift Astral Raider
Jokima Just Fatal Chinese Crested
Jokima Just Fatal
Bryelis Breaking Glass Chinese Crested
Bryelis Breaking Glass
Bryelis Bossy Boots
Bryelis Warrior Princess
Shipstone Appley Dappley
Jayanamee My Lewis
Harsamal Turks Pride with Jayanamee
Jayanamee Princess Xena Chinese Crested
Jayanamee Princess Xena
Shipstone Basik Instinct
Taleeca Gold Digger Chinese Crested
Taleeca Gold Digger
Shipstone Not So Basik
Regenerate pedigree

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