FINCH, INTCH(FCI), NORDCH, NUCH, SECH Twice as Nice Long Stick Goes Boom |
CERCH, CERJCH, DCH(Club), HRHC, INTCH(FCI), LUXJCH, NLCH, VDHCH, VDHJCH JW Bavaria 2006, JWLeipzig-06, VDH-Bundesjugendsieger2006, VDH-Jahrhundertjugendsieger 2006, VDH- Europeanwinner 2007 Legends The Great Contender |
AUSTCH, CANCH, AMCH Crestars Legendary Bruizer |
EECH, FINCH Lemiz Valjean |
INTCH(FCI), NORDCH NV-02 SV-02 BISS Beddi's Jabber Jack |
NUCH, SECH Maldinis Sancy-Krystal |
SECH, INTCH ISCH Lionheart Krouching Tiger |
INTCH(FCI), NORDCH NV-02 SV-02 BISS Beddi's Jabber Jack |
DKCH, INTCH(FCI), NORDCH SW-97,-98,-03,-05, KBHW-98, -99, NW-99, WW-98,-00 Lionheart Kan-Kan |
INTCH(FCI), NORDCH NV-02 SV-02 BISS Beddi's Jabber Jack |
DKCH, SECH SV-96 KBHV-97 EUW-97 BISS-99 Beddi's Scarlet O'Hara |
GBCH, SECH Blandora Beat That At Honebon |
NUCH, SECH Maldinis Sancy-Krystal |