©Katja Laurila
Judge Philip Carthy (breed), Benjamin J Luxton (BIS)
BOB and BIS-2
INT CH NORD UCH FIN CH FINNISH WINNER 2011 Ridgecest's Secret Weapon
BM-2 & CAC Royalette's Bond James Bond
BM-3 Suanho's Nuxalk
BM-4 & res-CAC Yamboliz Drumbull
BOS & CAC Ridgecrest's Princess Priceless
BF-2 SE UCH Ridgecrest's Flashy Girl
BF-3 & res-CAC Suanho's Umatilla
BF-4 NORD UCH Ridgecrest's Princess Precious
BOB-breeder Kennel Ridgecrest's
BOB and BIS 2
INT CH NORD UCH FIN CH FINNISH WINNER 2011 Ridgecest''s Secret Weapon
Benjamin J Luxton (BIS)
INT CH NORD UCH FIN CH FINNISH WINNER 2011 Ridgecest''s Secret Weapon
Handling by Katja Laurila Kennel Royalette''s in the BIS final