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2013-08-31 Finland Parainen group show

©Miikka Ansamaa


Judge: Hans Hilverde, Netherlands

BOB Ch. Royalette's Bond James Bond
BM-2 & CAC Black-Diva's Gold Toffee
BM-3 & resCAC Tapi-Tapi Winnie The Pooh
BM-4 Passer-By Keep Laughing

BOS Multi Ch. Tapi-Tapi My Little Pony
BF-2 & BOB-veteran & BIS-4 veteran Camelina's Mariquita
BF-3 & CAC Crestiny's Dirty Dancer
BF-4 & resCAC Moelmo's Little Miss Attitude


©Katja Laurila

BIS-4 veteran

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