©Astrid Labuch
V1 JCAC BOB Taijan Dreamer Unikat
Rüden Jüngstenklasse:
vv Interlace Moon Diamond Place
wv Heavenly Devil Of Diamond Place
Rüden Jugendklasse:
V1 JCAC JVDH Believe to Angel z Andelovy dlane
SG2 Zuczek z Gangu Lysych
SG3 Amigo Di Chridor's
SG4 Grand Wizard Diamond Place
Rüden Offeneklasse
V1 CAC VDH Excuse To Love Diamond Place
Hündinnen Jüngstenklasse
vv1 A Dream Comes True of Candymoor Castle
vv2 Always Be Happy of Candymoor Castle
Hündinnen Jugendklasse
V1 JCAC JVDH BOB Taijan Dreamer Unikat
V2 Res JCAC Res JVDH Kropka Grzywkomania
SG3 Belinda Annie z Andelovy dlane
Hündinnen Zwischenklasse
SG1 Be My Dog's Miss Mermaid
Hündinnen Offeneklasse
V1 CAC VDH Eligance Easy Going Diamond Place
SG2 Alegoria Lilia Modry Vanek
G Di Gabriellas Elena
More pictures you can find in our forum: http://chinese-crested-dogs.phpbb8.de/ergebnisse-f18/festival-der-rassehunde-castrop-rauxel-2011-t1107.html