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Hadeland Glassverke.23 Juni.

©Tina T Sandvik


Jugde:Cronander Åke.

Fluffysteps Bigest Dream Come True:CAC.BOB.
De La Mahafu's GlamMiss Jagger: CAC.BOS.

2BF:De La Mahafu's Dilove Jennifer:R-CAC.
3BF:Estillnis Prestige De La Luna.

2BM:Clezel's Camerooney: R-CAC.
3BM:NO.Uch.De La Mahafu's BeDe Black in Glammi.
4BM:Drømtorpet's Ike From Apollon.

Quiincharme Icon Stare Mesto: BOB.
Fluffysteps Dream Of The Exstreme:BOS.

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