To the right BOB winning bitch to the left BOS winning male
Judge Frode Jevne
BOB MULTICH WW-13 Moelmo's Irresistible me
2 BB CAC NEW SWEDISH CHAMPION Bonniveras Impera'tor
3 BB R-CAC Myrtans money Honey
4 BB CH Neddies Amazing Amie
BOS CAC Sunstreaker Fireworks
2 BM CH Bonniveras Egre'gius
3 BM R-CAC Neddies Adorable Alram
4 BM CH Curlious Cache is King
BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR Myrtans Money Honey
BEST IN SHOW -3 YOUTH Sunstreaker Fireworks
BEST IN SHOW VETERAN -3 Prefix Tipperary
BEST IN SHOW MULTI CH WW-13 Moelmo's Irresistible Me
Judge Karl-Erik Johansson
BOB and BOS couple and judge Mr Jevne