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Westfalen Sieger 2022, Elite Dog CCC, 2. Platz Jahreshund CER, Dt. Champion CCC, Dt. Champion CER, Dt. Champion VDHIcebreaker of the Heart of Candymoor Castle

: 2019-02-07
: black and white
: Powderpuff
: 35.00cm (13.7")
Annette Schütte (Candymoor Castle, Tyskland)
Nicole Gabriel (Kawaii Sakura, Tyskland)
  • ©@Nicole Gabriel

  • ©@Nicole Gabriel

  • ©@Nicole Gabriel

  • ©Nicole Gabriel

  • ©@Nicole Gabriel

  • 8 Wochen
    ©A. Schaefer

  • 6 Wochen
    ©A. Schaefer

  • 4 Wochen
    ©A. Schaefer

  • 14 Tage
    ©A. Schaefer

  • Neugeboren
    ©A. Schaefer

Siblings (4)


I am the Starlight of Candymoor Castle
Iron Fighter of Candymoor Castle
Incredible Sweet Darling of Candymoor Castle
Icebreaker of the Heart of Candymoor Castle

Offspring (6) (Descendents)

dob: 2022-09-22  Dam: Crazy Cresteds Hiranya Mirai

Ch. Abcde Like Ice in the Sunshine
Aruni Like Ice in the Sunshine
Aramsamsam Like Ice in the Sunshine
Archer Like Ice in the Sunshine
Acer Like Ice in the Sunshine
Atari Like Ice in the Sunshine

Test combination

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