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Heli Dio MadeOfFrabiesBeauties

Reg. no
: NO50033/17
: 2017-06-27
: black/tan
: Hairless
Breeder unknown. If you know who the breeder of this dog is you can help us improve the database by adding this information.
Hege Dybhavn (Svanhavn, Norge)
  • 1,5 years old

Sire's sire: Subway Joy Boy
Sire: Urgant Winning Smile
Sire's dam: Djemanshy Hilary

Offspring (10) (Descendents)

dob: 2021-07-27  Sire: Sunstreaker Quidditch

Svanhavn Ecko
Svanhavn Enzo
Svanhavn Emir
Svanhavn Eroz
Svanhavn Ezzy

dob: 2020-06-29  Sire: Enduro MadeOfFrabiesBeauties

Svanhavn Chi-Chica
Svanhavn Cesar

dob: 2019-05-18  Sire: Google Me Made of Frabies Beauties

Svanhavn Becci
Svanhavn Banto
Svanhavn Belina

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