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AMCH  Edelweiss Guns'N Roses

Reg. no
: TS57910602
: 2022-10-20
: Slate with white mkgs
: Hairless
Kathy Knoles (Kathy Knoles, Argentina)
Karen Fischer (Crest-Vue's, USA)
Joanne Hardman/Kelli Sword (Zokasan, USA)
  • 2023 ACCC National Specialty
    ©Teddy Lei

  • ©Unknown

Offspring (3) (Descendents)

dob: 2024-09-06  Dam: Solino's Sammy Joe

Crest-Vue Foxglove Wrapped In Mink

dob: 2023-10-24  Dam: Crest-Vue's The New Normal

Ch. Crest-Vue Pretend To Be Normal
Crest-Vue's Normal Objective

Test combination

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