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Gail-Dons Achy Breaky Heart

Reg. no
: AU061505
: 1992-10-18
: Gold Sable
: Powderpuff
Breeder unknown. If you know who the breeder of this dog is you can help us improve the database by adding this information.
Owner unknown.
  • ©©Gail

Siblings (2)


Gail-Dons Achy Breaky Heart
Gail-Dons Bubble N'Squeak

Offspring (11) (Descendents)

dob:   Sire: Nakota Ten' T'Ll 'N Bullet ProOf

Gail Dons Star Fyre HL

dob: 1996-05-07  Sire: Nakota Ten' T'Ll 'N Bullet ProOf

Gail Dons Hold That Tiger
Gail Dons Star Fyre
Windspiels Moonshadow

dob: 1995-10-16  Sire: Tebroc's Thistle

Gail Dons Truly Naked HL
Gail Dons Sparkle Plenty
Gail Dons Nothing To Hide
Gail Dons Starlet Attraction

dob: 1994-07-01  Sire: Smokey Valleys Lots A Spotsa

Alines Prairie Sweet Pea
Alines Bare Bluedog HL
Alines Quincy Q Ball

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