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SECH  Mocci'z Dolce O Gabbana

Reg. no
: S55771/2000
: 2000-09-26
: Hairless
Kerstin & Yvette Persberger (Mocci'z, Sverige)
Owner unknown.

  • ©Jan Nilsson

Siblings (6)


Mocci'z Diesel
Mocci'z Dolce O Gabbana
Mocci'z Nina Ricci
Mocci'z Axe
Mocci'z Escada
Mocci'z Peak Performance

Offspring (6) (Descendents)

dob: 2005-10-14  Sire: Mocci'z Ardmore

Mocci'z Sazerac Rye
Mocci'z Powers
Mocci'z Yoichi

dob: 2003-11-03  Sire: Sun-Hee's Night Train

Mocci'z Talisker
Mocci'z Paddy

dob: 2002-07-31  Sire: Suanho's Arapaho

Mocci'z Dalwhinnie

Test combination

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