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Zucci Pink Princess

: 1993-08-12
: Pink
: Hairless
V.J. Moon (Zucci, England)
Owner unknown.

Siblings (2)


Zucci Prince Charming
Zucci Pink Princess

Offspring (13) (Descendents)

dob: 2000-12-29  Sire: Fyresides Little Dan Tucker

Fyresides Epiphany

dob: 1998-03-20  Sire: Unidog Magic Dragonheart Draco

Unidog's Pocketfull Of Hershey

dob: 1996-07-26  Sire: Mstic-Heart-Break Wizard

Godzillion The Wonder Dog
Wizsper Princess Mogwy
What A Prince Scout Boy

dob: 1996-01-17  Sire: Vanderpool's Blaze

Pink Princesses Squiggy
Pink Prince Moo Rascal
Pink Munchie Princess
Suki Take Me Home Again

dob: 1995-06-01  Sire: Vanderpool's Blaze

Pink Princess's Vixen In White
Pink Princess Cleopatra
Pink Princess's Pom Pom
Pink Princess Polar Bear

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