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2010 - 2023
BLRCH  BGCH  MNCH  INTCH(FCI)  MKCH  MOLCH  MOLJCH  RUSCH  RUSJCH  RKFCH  CSCH  SRBCH  UKRCH  RUSNationalBreedClubCH RUSGrandCH Grand Junior Champion Moldovy, Grand Champion Moldovy, Grand Ch Bulgaria, Best beby, 3xBest beby-male, 3xBest pappy, BIS-2 pappy, 8xBOBJ, 2xResBISJ, 8xBOB, 2xResBIG, 4xBIG, ResBIS, 2xBIS!!! 4xRCACIB, 5xCACIBOlegro Katrin Noblesse

: 2010-01-25
: white&blue
: Hairless
Ekaterina Tomina (Olegro Katrin, Russland)
Gladkovskaya Svetlana ("Rolana Family", Russland)
Domanina Oksana (Voronezh, Russia)
  • ©July Sova

  • ©@

  • ©@

  • ©July Sova

  • ©Shulgina Lubov

  • ©Shulgina Lubov

  • 18 months
    ©Shulgina Lubov

  • 23/10/11 CACIB BOB

  • 26-27.03.11 Eurazia (CACIB-FCI)

  • EuroDogShou-2010

  • 4 months

  • 1,5 months

  • 1,5 months

  • Olegro Katrin Nobles

  • Nevikovich, 1 days


prcd-PRA - PCR Result: genotype N/N (clear)
Primary Lense Luxation (PLL) - PCR Result: Genotype: N/N

Best beby, 3xBest beby-male, 3xBest pappy, BIS-2 pappy
EuroDogShow-2010 - very promising-3
4-5.12.10 2xCACIB Kichineu Moldova - 2xJCAC, 2xBest Junior
Junior derby - JCAC, Best Junior,Junior Champion Moldovy, Grand Junior Champion Moldovy, Champion Moldovy
19.03.2011 Voronezh - JCAC, BOBJ, BOB, ResBIG, ResBISJ (judge Król Piotr (Poland)
26.03.11 Moscow Eurazia (CACIB-FCI) exellent Król Piotr (Polen)
27.03.11 Moscow Eurazia (CACIB-FCI) exellent-2, RJCAC ELZBIETA CHWALIBOG (POLAND)
08.05.2011 Voronezh - CAC, BOB, BIG, ResBIS!!! (judge Burykin)
15.05.2011 Lipeck - CAC, BOB, BIG, BIS!!! (judge Senashenko)
17.07.2011 Moscow Mono PC - exellent-1, CW, KChC (Viktor Shiyan)
17.07.2011 Moscow Mono KChC - exellent-1, CW, KChC, BOS (Tatyana Shiyan)
23.10.2011 Voronezh - CAC, CACIB, BOB (judge Revaz Khomasuridze)
27.07.2014 Kursk - CAC, CACIB InterChampion!!!!!
05.07.2015 Tula - CAC, BOB, BIG, BIS!!! (judge Revaz Khomasuridze)

Offspring (19) (Descendents)

dob: 2012-11-22  Dam: Zlato Dinastii Riva del Garda

Ch. Zlato Dinastii Fashion Girl
Ch. Zlato Dinastii Flying Butterfly
Zlato Dinastii Fleur de Lys

dob: 2012-02-02  Dam: Fantasmagoria ot Volnogo Psa

Alpha Adelante
Angelo Allegro Aragon
Ariell De"Amour dla Legendy Vostoka

dob: 2011-05-13  Dam: Vellari Olegro Tsong

Hohlatiy glamour Bracalini de la Renta
Hohlatiy glamour Baby Blumarine
Hohlatiy glamour Benedetta Givenchy
Hohlatiy glamour Beni Brioni
Ch. Hohlatiy glamour Baldilini Amuazh
Hohlatiy glamour Burberry Lovely

dob: 2011-01-20  Dam: Elenline Only Star

Hohlatiy glamour Pearl WHITE
Ch. Hohlatiy glamour Pure beauty
Ch. Hohlatiy glamour Pace-maker
Hohlatiy glamour PEDGAR Pace
Hohlatiy Glamour Petpetium Mobile
Hohlatiy Glamour Peshen For Victory
Ch. Hohlatiy glamour Pretty-pretty

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