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Bosna and Hercegovina Champion

The Champion gallery automatically lists dogs that have been entered into the database with a champion title.
Only titles listed by us appear here, please notify us of any missing titles.
As in any database, errors can and do occur. Feel free to correct errors and mistakes you may find.

A total of  162  Champions
page  << 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Fantazia iz Jablonevogo Sada
Sasquehanna Anegdota
Easy Man Top Model De Rama
Fantazia iz Jablonevogo Sada
b: 2005-07-08
11  offspring
Sasquehanna Anegdota
b: 2005-06-30
6  offspring
Easy Man Top Model De Rama
b: 2005-05-01
1  offspring
Rus Crimson Empaer Dolce Vita
Harriet z Gangu Lysych
Hazard z Gangu Lysych
Rus Crimson Empaer Dolce Vita
b: 2005-01-19
14  offspring
Harriet z Gangu Lysych
b: 2005-01-15
3  offspring
Hazard z Gangu Lysych
b: 2005-01-15
5  offspring
Focus z Gangu Lysych
Chinetta's Covergirl Ginatricot
Moonswift Swallow Indigo
Focus z Gangu Lysych
b: 2005-01-07
Chinetta's Covergirl Ginatricot
b: 2005-01-04
17  offspring
Moonswift Swallow Indigo
b: 2005-01-01
67  offspring
Olegro Katrin Ambiciya Dzhokera
Grand Marnier de GabriTho
Fantastik Kashmir Tiffany
Olegro Katrin Ambiciya Dzhokera
b: 2004-12-12
21  offspring
Grand Marnier de GabriTho
b: 2004-07-31
13  offspring
Fantastik Kashmir Tiffany
b: 2004-06-08
13  offspring
A total of  162  Champions
page  << 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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