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Canadian Champion

The Champion gallery automatically lists dogs that have been entered into the database with a champion title.
Only titles listed by us appear here, please notify us of any missing titles.
As in any database, errors can and do occur. Feel free to correct errors and mistakes you may find.

A total of  802  Champions
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Crestars Blitzy Saylz HL
Bopar Nothing Ventured
Gardine Breaka Legend
Crestars Blitzy Saylz HL
b: 2016-02-28
4  offspring
Bopar Nothing Ventured
b: 2016-02-02
1  offspring
Gardine Breaka Legend
b: 2016-01-31
2  offspring
Biss Grch Cruft Qualifer Crestyle Dramatic Entrance Hl
Pixietail all that Glitters
Gardine's Real Men Wear Pink
Biss Grch Cruft Qualifer Crestyle Dramatic Entrance Hl
b: 2015-12-04
Pixietail all that Glitters
b: 2015-10-30
Gardine's Real Men Wear Pink
b: 2015-10-13
8  offspring
Gardine Echos of Eternity
Wind's Da Vinci Code
Wind's Painter Boy
Gardine Echos of Eternity
b: 2015-10-13
2  offspring
Wind's Da Vinci Code
b: 2015-10-02
11  offspring
Wind's Painter Boy
b: 2015-10-02
Wind's Renaissance Man
Gardine Spice Up Ur Life
Gardine N Dunroamin Trails End
Wind's Renaissance Man
b: 2015-10-02
2  offspring
Gardine Spice Up Ur Life
b: 2015-08-27
5  offspring
Gardine N Dunroamin Trails End
b: 2015-08-27
2  offspring
A total of  802  Champions
page  << 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 >>
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