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Latvian Champion

The Champion gallery automatically lists dogs that have been entered into the database with a champion title.
Only titles listed by us appear here, please notify us of any missing titles.
As in any database, errors can and do occur. Feel free to correct errors and mistakes you may find.

A total of  506  Champions
page  << 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 >>
Zorrazo Jigsaw
Elfgrace Enshi Mamoru
Vanitonia Rumor Has It
Zorrazo Jigsaw
b: 2008-01-23
Elfgrace Enshi Mamoru
b: 2008-01-04
Vanitonia Rumor Has It
b: 2007-12-28
18  offspring
Vanitonia Just A Rumour
Amore Mia Exotic Dinaburg ZlotBon
Ingrus Sherlok Holms
Vanitonia Just A Rumour
b: 2007-12-28
Amore Mia Exotic Dinaburg ZlotBon
b: 2007-12-26
15  offspring
Ingrus Sherlok Holms
b: 2007-12-19
20  offspring
L'Quickstep Golden Diamond
L'Pasodoble Golden Diamond
Fantastik Kashmir Kerri Kamelija
L'Quickstep Golden Diamond
b: 2007-12-17
5  offspring
L'Pasodoble Golden Diamond
b: 2007-12-17
20  offspring
Fantastik Kashmir Kerri Kamelija
b: 2007-11-28
8  offspring
Game Girl Little Champs
Sun Dan Super Sweet Rose
Ciron Shagrin Miranda
Game Girl Little Champs
b: 2007-11-16
5  offspring
Sun Dan Super Sweet Rose
b: 2007-11-15
Ciron Shagrin Miranda
b: 2007-11-08
4  offspring
A total of  506  Champions
page  << 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 >>
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