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Date/Time: 2008-02-11 11:41:16.070956
Intermediate class winner 1Exc. Bundesseiger-2007 (10/2007, Dortmund, Germany);
6xCAC, 2xR.CAC, 5xCC National Breed Club (2007-2008);
CACIB "NEVSKY WINNER-2007" (09/2007, St.-Petersburg, Russia);
BOB (06/2007, Minsk, Blr);
BOS-hairless Championship of Chinese Crested Dogs (Minsk, 09/2007);
BISJunior-6; 3xBOBJunior; 5xJunCAC;
BOB-Junior at Speciality Show for Group IX (Blr);
BOB-puppy Chinese Crested dogs-show of National Breed Club (Russia);
BOB Puppy, BOS puppy;
BOB Baby, BOS Baby;
Candidate to National Breed Club Champion (01/2008, Moscow);
Candidate to RFLS (02/2008, Moscow);
always "Excelent";o)
( 5xCC National Breed Club (2007-2008);
Candidate to National Breed Club Champion (01/2008, Moscow);
Intermediate class winner 1Exc. Bundesseiger-2007 (10/2007, Dortmund, Germany);
CACIB "NEVSKY WINNER-2007" (09/2007, St.-Petersburg, Russia);
BOB (06/2007, Minsk, Blr);
BOS-hairless Championship of Chinese Crested Dogs (Minsk, 09/2007);
6xCAC, 2xR.CAC;
Candidate to RFOLS (02/2008, Moscow);
BISJunior-6; 3xBOBJunior; 5xJunCAC;
BOB-Junior at Speciality Show for Group IX (Blr);
BOB-puppy Chinese Crested dogs-show of National Breed Club (Russia);
BOB Puppy, BOS puppy;
BOB Baby, BOS Baby;
always "Excelent";o)