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Date/Time: 2011-05-15 13:27:42.892443
1 Very promissing, BOS BABY, BOB BABY, BOG BABY, BIS BABY. 13-02-2011 CAC STG- stichting gezelschapshonden show Zutphen the Netherlands. Thank you BOB judge Dhr. P. van Baaren-Grob (NL)& BIS judge Dhr. H. Hilverda (NL).
1 Very promissing, BOB Puppy. 19-03-2011. Internationale
dogshow Kynologenvereniging Rijnland at Leiden the Netherlands. Thank you BOB judge E. Chwalibog (PL).
1 Very promissing, BOS Puppy, BOB Puppy, BOG Puppy, BIS Puppy at 80th National Clubmatch Championships. 01-05-2011. Thank you BOB judge Martin vd Weijer(NL) & BIS judge Hans Hilverda(NL).