Changed by: Sova Yulia
Date/Time: 2014-05-12 06:59:33.949808
PLL PRA - clean for parents
01.06.2013 Ukraine. CACIB Expert Hughes Beradze (Czech Republic) - Best baby BIS BABY - 1
06.07,2013 Ukraine. Poltava. Exhibition - CACIB Judge Thomas Barkowski (Poland) - Best Baby of Breed Best in Show Baby - 2
07.07.2013 Club dog show expert Malgorzata Supronovich - Best Baby
25.08.2013 - Dnipropetrovsk. an exhibition of rank CACIB judge - Imbibo Nicola (Italy) -
Best Puppy and BIS Puppy -1
02.05.2014 - Mariupol Ukraine CACIB. Judge Stefan Popov - JCAC, Best Junior
11.05.2014 - Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk CAC-UA "DNIPER CUP 2014" expert Chernyavskii VA - JCAC Junior BOB BIG-4
( PLL PRA - clean for parents
01.06.2013 Ukraine. CACIB Expert Hughes Beradze (Czech Republic) - Best baby BIS BABY - 1
06.07,2013 Ukraine. Poltava. Exhibition - CACIB Judge Thomas Barkowski (Poland) - Best Baby of Breed Best in Show Baby - 2
07.07.2013 Club dog show expert Malgorzata Supronovich - Best Baby
25.08.2013 - Dnipropetrovsk. an exhibition of rank CACIB judge - Imbibo Nicola (Italy) -
Best Puppy and BIS Puppy -1