Changed by: prochazkova katerina
Date/Time: 2014-05-15 14:59:38.254369
PLL & PRA-prcd clear by parents and by Genomia too
the best puppy
the judge - Smirnova L P
Exc 1, CAJC - IDS Ceske Budejovice 27.4.2014
Exc 1, CAJC, BOJ, Youth club winner - CS Praha 3.5.2014
Exc 1, CAJC, Cruft's qualification 2015 - IDS Praha 4.5.2014
Czech Junior champion - 12.5. 2014
( PLL & PRA-prcd clear by parents
the best puppy
the judge - Smirnova L P
Exc 1, CAJC - IDS Ceske Budejovice 27.4.2014
Exc 1, CAJC, BOJ, Youth club winner - CS Praha 3.5.2014
Exc 1, CAJC, Cruft's qualification 2015 - IDS Praha 4.5.2014
Czech Junior champion - 12.5. 2014