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Changed by: Lifatova V.G.
Date/Time: 2014-10-29 14:32:16.892522

Gender: m
Titles: 8xBBOB,BISBaby-1!,BISBaby-3!,2xBest Baby in Special Show-1!2xBOBPuppy!BISPuppy-1!!! ( 8xBBOB,BISBaby-1!,BISBaby-3!,2xBest Baby in Special Show-1!BOBPuppy! )
Geronimo Artagasamazis (FCI)

" Jerry "

Reg. no
: PKR.IX-67768 ()
: 20.03.2014 ()
: apricot ()
: ()
Artagasamazis ,
Lifasoria Viel ,


prcd PRA, PLL clear

22 June 2014,Moscow,Judge Rodina I.,CW,BBOB-Handler Miloslava Plisenko
22 June 2014,Moscow,Judge Pagani S.,CW,BBOB-Handler Miloslava Plisenko
5 July 2014 "Vladimir 2014" (CACIB FCI),Judge Frank Sabella (USA)-CW,BBOB
Handler-Miloslava Plisenko
6 July 2014 Tula of Russia,JUDGE: Grigorenko Tatyana (Russia) - CW,BBOB, BISBaby-1!Handler Miloslava Plisenko
6 July 2014,Tula of Russia,Special Dog Show Judge: Prezident of National Club of Breed Prozorov D. (Russia) - CW,BBOB, BISBaby mono-1!
I want to share with all:

bite norm, high-pedigree, the type most wished for breed with the pedigree head which has been accurately expressed by a lobe of a nose, the good proportions, the balanced dog of strong type, strong frame, a good exit the long neck, bright withers, a good shoulder, is well developed a breast, format, faultless back extremities, a stylish croup, the uborny hair, good temperament, a professional hendling is well developed!
Handler Miloslava Plisenko (Russia)
20 July 2014 Irkutsk,Special Chinese Crested Show (Club Winner)Judge: Maite Gonzalbo (Spain)- CW,Baby Best of Breed,Best Baby in Special Show-1! Handler Lifatova Regina!
20 July 2014 National Show of Irkutsk Judge: Yolanda Nagler (Izrail)- CW,Baby Best of Breed , Best In Show Baby -3 (Judge : Oleg Vasiliev (Russia))!!!Handler Lifatova Regina
7.09.2014 Irkutsk,Judge:Kukoleva E.(Russia)-cw,BBOB Handler Lifatova Regina
11.10.2014 Russia ANGARSK,Dog Show"OLHON-2014"Judge :Begma I.(Russia)-cw,PBOB Handler Regina Nesterenko
26.10.2014 Usolye-Sibirskoye,Inesa Pablaka (Latviya)-cw,BOSPuppy,BOBPuppy,BISPuppy-1!!!Handlers:Lifatova Sofiya and Nesterenko Regina
( prcd PRA, PLL clear

22 June 2014,Moscow,Judge Rodina I.,CW,BBOB-Handler Miloslava Plisenko
22 June 2014,Moscow,Judge Pagani S.,CW,BBOB-Handler Miloslava Plisenko
5 July 2014 "Vladimir 2014" (CACIB FCI),Judge Frank Sabella (USA)-CW,BBOB
Handler-Miloslava Plisenko
6 July 2014 Tula of Russia,JUDGE: Grigorenko Tatyana (Russia) - CW,BBOB, BISBaby-1!Handler Miloslava Plisenko
6 July 2014,Tula of Russia,Special Dog Show Judge: Prezident of National Club of Breed Prozorov D. (Russia) - CW,BBOB, BISBaby mono-1!
I want to share with all:

bite norm, high-pedigree, the type most wished for breed with the pedigree head which has been accurately expressed by a lobe of a nose, the good proportions, the balanced dog of strong type, strong frame, a good exit the long neck, bright withers, a good shoulder, is well developed a breast, format, faultless back extremities, a stylish croup, the uborny hair, good temperament, a professional hendling is well developed!
Handler Miloslava Plisenko (Russia)
20 July 2014 Irkutsk,Special Chinese Crested Show (Club Winner)Judge: Maite Gonzalbo (Spain)- CW,Baby Best of Breed,Best Baby in Special Show-1! Handler Lifatova Regina!
20 July 2014 National Show of Irkutsk Judge: Yolanda Nagler (Izrail)- CW,Baby Best of Breed , Best In Show Baby -3 (Judge : Oleg Vasiliev (Russia))!!!Handler Lifatova Regina
7.09.2014 Irkutsk,Judge:Kukoleva E.(Russia)-cw,BBOB Handler Lifatova Regina
11.10.2014 Russia ANGARSK,Dog Show"OLHON-2014"Judge :Begma I.(Russia)-cw,PBOB Handler Regina Nesterenko

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