Changed by: anne hellmuth
Date/Time: 2017-06-25 00:32:27.735487
26.11.16 1st Junior. 1st p. Graduate. PB, BOB, TPG 3. Judge Mr Alan leach.
10.12.16 2nd Puppy bitch, LKA Ch . Judge Mr. Stuart Payne
10.1.17 1st Puppy bitch, 1st Junior bitch BPB, BPIB RBB. Boston Ch. judge Mrs Karan Bartlett
19.1.17 3rd Puppy bitch (15) Manchester Ch. judge Mr Lee Cox.
26.2.17 1st Junior, 1st P/Graduate, BP BPB TPG2 Toy Gp 4. Cheltenham and DCS
Breed Judge Mrs Jenny Miller. Gp judge Mr.Tony Timberlake.
5.3.17 1st Puppy, 1st P/Graduate, BP BOB, Toy Gp 4, TPG 2. Oxfordshire CS, Judge Mr Martyn Debenham.
11.3.17 1st Puppy Bitch. BPB CRUFTS, Judge Mrs Julie Guvercin.
25.3.17 2nd Puppy Bitch, UK Toy Ch. Judge Caroline Holmes.
16.4.17 1st Junior D/B, 1st P. Graduate D/B BPIB, Camberley DCS.
23.4.17 1st Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch. Chinese Crested Dog Club Of GB, Judge Linda Biss.
28.4.17. 2nd puppy bitch, WELKS Ch. Judge Robert Dunlop.
7.5.17. 1st Puppy Bitch BEST PUPPY Bitch The National Ch. JUdge Mrs Jean Lanning.
26.5.17. 1st Puppy Bitch Bath Ch. judge Mr J Juslin.
2 .6.17. 1st Junior Bitch Southern Counties Ch. JUdge Howard Ogden.
9.6.17. 1st Junior Bitch. RCC... JUNIOR WARRANT. Three Counties Ch, Judge Mr Geoffry Davies.
CRITIQUE JB (9,2) Outstanding class. 1 Hellmuth?s Shumllea Press Release, I wrote just three words in my judging book, stunning! Stunning! Stunning! Just 12 months old, she has colossal potential. She is one of the most exciting youngsters I have had the privilege to assess. She came within a whisker of winning the ticket. RCC; GEOFFRY DAVIES.
( 26.11.16 1st Junior. 1st p. Graduate. PB, BOB, TPG 3. Judge Mr Alan leach.
10.12.16 2nd Puppy bitch, LKA Ch . Judge Mr. Stuart Payne
10.1.17 1st Puppy bitch, 1st Junior bitch BPB, BPIB RBB. Boston Ch. judge Mrs Karan Bartlett
19.1.17 3rd Puppy bitch (15) Manchester Ch. judge Mr Lee Cox.
26.2.17 1st Junior, 1st P/Graduate, BP BPB TPG2 Toy Gp 4. Cheltenham and DCS
Breed Judge Mrs Jenny Miller. Gp judge Mr.Tony Timberlake.
5.3.17 1st Puppy, 1st P/Graduate, BP BOB, Toy Gp 4, TPG 2. Oxfordshire CS, Judge Mr Martyn Debenham.
11.3.17 1st Puppy Bitch. BPB CRUFTS, Judge Mrs Julie Guvercin.
25.3.17 2nd Puppy Bitch, UK Toy Ch. Judge Caroline Holmes.
16.4.17 1st Junior D/B, 1st P. Graduate D/B BPIB, Camberley DCS.
23.4.17 1st Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch. Chinese Crested Dog Club Of GB, Judge Linda Biss.
28.4.17. 2nd puppy bitch, WELKS Ch. Judge Robert Dunlop.
7.5.17. 1st Puppy Bitch BEST PUPPY Bitch The National Ch. JUdge Mrs Jean Lanning.
26.5.17. 1st Puppy Bitch Bath Ch. judge Mr J Juslin.
2 .6.17. 1st Junior Bitch Southern Counties Ch. JUdge Howard Ogden.
9.6.17. 1st Junior Bitch. RCC... JUNIOR WARRANT. Three Counties Ch, Judge Mr Geoffry Davies.