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2016 - 2024
Baby Lisboa Winner 2016, Puppy Gibraltar Winner 2016, Jovem Esperança 2016CrystalHeart Guardian Loveland Fantasy

Last 50 updates to this dog

Version id Changed by Time Revert to this version
593006 2024-05-20 21:38:25 Log in
472384 andreia castro 2016-10-12 14:40:40 Log in
472382 andreia castro 2016-10-12 14:40:19 Log in
472381 andreia castro 2016-10-12 14:39:55 Log in
466125 The Real Love 2016-07-20 15:55:40 Log in
462883 The Real Love 2016-06-08 17:07:25 Log in
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