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Staround Koko
Sire's sire:
Lee Chee Lee
Staround Ahn Ahn Lee
Sire's dam:
Chi Chi Lee
Dam's sire:
Justo Of Crest Haven
So'bestaa Of Crest Haven
Dam's dam:
Iow'na Of Crest Haven
Staround Wee Woo
Cannybuff Cazzanova of Moonswift
Sobahn Savannah of Sandcrest
Sobahn Blanchett
Sobahn Blanchette
Sobahn Saracen
Sobahn Sebastian At Superlion
Sobahn Saraband
Sobahn Saladin
Sandcrest Cascade
Sandcrest Sea Flower
Staround Wahto
Staround Ufo
Staround Pella
Staround Soso Of Denidoff
Staround Soso Of Demidoff
Staround Solo
Staround Po
Staround Ohno
Staround Ohso
Staround Lada
Staround Samantha
Staround Falo
Chi Chi Of Chaman
Sobahn Savanah Of Sandcrest
Staround Leo
Staround Bruno
Sandcrest Jasper
Staround Quanto
Saphina's Lings Pal
Clogheen Coleena
Saphinis My Ding A Ling
Lasang Andante
Arrendene Evil Kneivel
Quizz of St Erme
Sandcrest Aznavour In Blue
Heathermount Onyx
Heathermount Opal
Heathermount Renata
Heathermount Jezebel
Moonswift Miss Clarissa
Clogheen Martello
Cresta Of Capilon
Acambos Soo Ming
Acambos Rosee Lee
Acambos Tang
Heathermount Blaze Away
Heathermount Rhinestone
Clogheen Selena
Clogheen Natasha
Clogheen Martello
Cresta Of Capilon
Clogheen Selena
Heathermount Phoenix Of Winterlea
Sandcrest Desire Of St Erme
St.Erme Dandy Pony
Staround Roma
Staround Romeo
Staround Soso Of Denidoff
Staround Startrex
Staround Soso Of Demidoff
Yamany's Djingis Khan
Rodridge Ricardo Of Clogheen
Miss Piggy Of Moonswift
Moonswift Happy Go Lucky
Moonswift Mr Raffles of Rodridge
Moonswift Benny Boy
Moonswift Mr Ebony
Moonswift Mr Wu of Apocodeodar
Moonswift Miss Clarissa
Moonswift Stars 'N' Stripes
Moonswift Miss Margaret
Sandcrest Blue Print
Carmichan Blue Demon
Man About Town Of Moonswift
Miss Stephanie Of Moonswift
Carmichan Blue Angel
Saridak's Sugar 'N' Spice Of Moonswift
Saridaks Snowflake
Sandcrest Topaz
Saridak's Julietta
Staround Solo
Staround Brahma
Staround Aurora
Sandcrest Orchid
Staround Calanda
Rhodecot Shamsha
Staround Channa
Cannybuff Cilva
Staround Zylo
Staround Zorro
Miniatura Romalus
Miniatura China Doll
Miniatura Anna Wong
Miniatura Kim Lee
Miniatura Mr Appaloosa
Miniatura Anna Wong
Miniatura Amyan Remus
Miniatura Ghengis Khan
Miniatura Fancy Nancy
Miniatura Romalus
Miniatura Mr Appaloosa
Miniatura La Streaker
Staround Wanda
Lasang Andante
Staround Wee Wo
Cannybuff Casanova Of Moonswift
Cannybuff Chirpy
Staround Wanton
Highclass Kan-Di-Pa
Highclass Mr Li Ching of Aes
Highclass Mr Ching Lee Of Aes
Staround Volto
Staround Voodoo
Staround Stara
Staround Jacko
Staround Himalaya
Staround Hila
Sandcrest Cascade
Sandcrest Sea Flower
Sandcrest Aznavour In Blue
Staround Hilo
Staround Impo
Rhodecot Shamsha
Staround Sancho
Bukeras Belinda-Li
Bukeras Bettina-Li
Bukeras Amie-Li
Fargils Fuh-Ling
Fargils Dee
Staround Quella
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