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2013-06-16 Finland Pietarsaari group show

©Markku Vaitinen


Judge: Sara Nordin, Sweden

BOB & CAC Royalette's Bond James Bond
BM-2 & resCAC Vanitonia Reality Check
BM-3 Joyway's Sky's The Limit
BM-4 Lunacrest The Great Dictator

BOS & CAC --> FI & SE Ch Sirocco White Trash Circus
BF-2 & resCAC Royalette's Betty Boop
BF-3 Pinky Twinky If U Can Afford Me
BF-4 Kirmil's Daisy

BOB-veteran Juno-Juhekin Naku

BOB-puppy Valanyan Kick-Ass


©Markku Vaitinen

Sirocco White Trash Circus New FI & SE Ch


©Markku Vaitinen

BOB-veteran Juno-Juhekin Naku


©Markku Vaitinen

BOB-puppy Valanyan Kick-Ass

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