©Anna Granberg
BOS Chinese line colour my love BOB Chineseblue''s Love At First Sight
Judge: Plathan Tuula Finlandia
Gr judge: Anna Sume Estland
BIS-puppy Judge: Leyda Perez Colombia
BOB-Puppy BIS-Puppy Love over gold's Jacose
BOS puppy Bonnivera's Illecebro'Sus
BOB CAC CACIB Chineseblue's Love At First Sight
2 BM R-CAC Vanitonia Reality Check
BOS CAC CACIB New SEUCH Chinese line colour my love
btkl 2 R-CACIB SEUCH NOUCH Chineseblue's Go With Success
btkl 3 SEUCH Kaa Won's Four of a kind
btkl 4 Siroocco White trash circus
©Anna Granberg
Chineseblue''s Love At First Sight BIG-4