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AMCH  GRCH (US)  Gingery's Flashy Dancer StoryTime

Reg. Nr
: TS05184203
: 2011-02-26
: Black and White
: Naken
Arlene Butterklee (Gingery, USA)
Judy Temple (Storytime, USA)
Arlene Butterklee (Gingery, USA)
Kristen Riddley
  • Flashy Toy Group 1 and Best Owner Handled in Show. 07/14

  • Flashy Moving ACCC National 05/14
    ©Michael Parker

  • puppy, first show together, finishing GCh

  • 2013 National Specialty
    ©Michael Parker

  • Flash on the move at the 2012 ACCC National Specialty

  • Award Of Merit at her first Specialty as a Special.

  • ACCC National Specialty Week. She made the cut every day and got an AOM. This was her first specialty as a Special.

  • New Champion. 3.11.12

  • Best Opp her first time in the ring as a Special for 2 GrCh points...and then did it again the next day!

  • ACCC Winter Regional WB, BOW, and Best Puppy for a 5 point major from the 9-12 month class.

  • Our First Specialty Weekend Out Together.

  • 10/16/11

  • ©ab

  • 10/16/11

Helsøsken (3)


Gingery's Foxy Trotter Storytime
Gingery's Flashy Dancer StoryTime


Gingery's Monster Mash

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