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LTJCH  PLCH  PLJCH  RUSJCH  Polish Junior Club Winner 2013, 3xCACIB, res.CACIBJack Daniels Sua Sponte

: 2012-04-12
: white with markings
: Powderpuff
: 30.00cm (11.8")
Anna Domoslawska (Sua Sponte, Polen)
Anna Domoslawska (Sua Sponte, Polen)
  • 2xCACA, 2xCACIB, 2xBOS, 2x BOB Innsbruck
    ©Sua Sponte

  • CACA, CACIB, BOS, BOB - Innsbruck 2014
    ©Petra Pé?a Wagner

  • Tenerife may 2014
    ©sua Sponte

  • Tenerife may 2014
    ©Sua Sponte

  • February 2014
    ©Katarzyna Kunikowska

  • February 2014
    ©Katarzyna Kunikowska

  • February 2014
    ©Katarzyna Kunikowska

  • February 2014
    ©Katarzyna Kunikowska

  • February 2014
    ©Aneta Pietruszy?ska

  • February 2014
    ©Magdalena Stepien

  • February 2014
    ©Aneta Pietruszy?ska

  • February 2014
    ©Aneta Pietruszy?ska

  • February 2014
    ©Aneta Pietruszy?ska

  • bia?ystok 2013 - CWC, res. CACIB
    ©Magda Stepien

  • poznan 2013
    ©Sua Sponte

  • poznan 2013
    ©Sua Sponte

  • Poznan 2013 -Best Male, CACIB (j. Anna Redlicka, Pl)
    ©Sua Sponte

  • poznan 2013
    ©Sua Sponte

  • ©Sua Sponte

  • ©Sua Sponte

  • WDS Budapeszt 2013
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 26-27. Opole Club and CACIB show
    2 x Junior Winner, Junior Club Winner (12 months )
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 26-27. Opole Club and CACIB show
    2 x Junior Winner, Junior Club Winner (12 months )
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 26-27. Opole Club and CACIB show
    2 x Junior Winner, Junior Club Winner (12 months )
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 26-27. Opole Club and CACIB show
    2 x Junior Winner, Junior Club Winner (12 months )
    ©Sua Sponte

  • CAC show Legionowo- Junior Winner (11 months)
    ©Sua Sponte

  • CAC show Legionowo- Junior Winner (11 months)
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 21.10.2012 (6,5 months old and 28,5 cm :)))
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 21.10.2012 (6,5 months old and 28,5 cm :)))
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 21.10.2012 (6,5 months old and 28,5 cm :)))
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 21.10.2012 (6,5 months old and 28,5 cm :)))
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 5 months
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 5 months
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 5 months
    ©Sua Sponte

  • BIS Baby III- Bialystok 2012

  • BIS Baby III - Bialystok 2012

  • BOB Baby, BIS Baby III - Bailystok 2012

  • 29,07.2012
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 29,07.2012
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 29,07.2012
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 29,07.2012
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 29.07.2012
    ©Sua Sponte

  • ©Sua Sponte

  • ©Sua Sponte

  • ©Sua Sponte

  • 8 weeks
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 8 weeks
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 8 weeks
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 6,5 weeks
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 6,5 weeks
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 6,5 weeks
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 3 weeks
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 3 weeks
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 10 days old
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 15.04.2012
    ©Sua Sponte

  • 15.04.2012
    ©Sua Sponte


Warszawa 08.09.2012 CAC show- Best Male Baby
Bialystok 2012 CACIB show- Best male Baby, Best Baby, Best in Show Baby III !
Torun cac Show- Best male Baby & Best Baby
13.01.2012 Gda?ska CAC show- Exc.I,Junior Winner, Best Junior
23.03.2012 Legionowo CAC show-exc.I, Junior Winner
26.04.2012 Opole Club show- exc.I,Junior Winner, Polish Junior Club Winner

completed Polish Junior Champion

27.04.2012 Opole CACIB show - exc.I,Junior Winner
WDS Budapest 2013-excellent in final 7 males on 27 dogs in junior class
26.06.2013- Mariampole (Lithania) CAC show- Jr.CAC, Best Junior, Best of Breed

completed Lithuanian Junior Champion

14.07.2013 Warsaw CACIB show - CAC (open class)
started Polish Championship

27.07.2013- Kaliningrad National show (CAC per sex) - JCAC, Best Junior
completed Russian Junior Champion

25.08.2013 Bialystok exc.I, CWC, res.CACIB
26.10.2013 Poznan exc.I, CWC, CACIB, BOS
started International Championship

08.02.2014 2 x CAC show Bydgoszcz
exc II/ 2 open class
exc I CAC/ 3 open class

completed Polish Champion title !

10.05.2014 - CAC, BOS, BOB,BOG III, Tenerife
11.05.2014 - res. CACIB Tenerife
20.07.2014 - res. CAC, 2nd Best Powder Puff Male - Liege Belgium
23.08.2014 - CACA,BOS, CACIB, BOB - Insbruck Austria
24.08.2014 - CACA, BOS, CACIB, BOB - Innsbruck Austria
started Austrian championship

Helsøsken (6)


Jojo Mojo Sua Sponte
Jelly Baby Bond Sua Sponte
Jamaica Bahama Mama Sua Sponte
Jim Beam Sua Sponte
Johny Walker Sua Sponte
Jack Daniels Sua Sponte

Avkom (3) (Etterkommere)

Født: 2014-01-01  Under: Tortuga Sua Sponte Sakladir

Ch. Yo-Ho Beherovka Sua Sponte
Yo-Ho Jalowcowka Sua Sponte
Yo-Ho Zubrowka Sua Sponte

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