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BECH  LUXCH  NLCH  INT CHAMP (FCI)moon harbour harry
"harry "

: 2012-04-26
: brown ,white
: Naken
Abasse Issa (Moon Harbour, Frankrike)
van droogenbroeck sonja (of the loving dols, Belgia)
  • moon harbour Harry
    ©sonja van droogenbroeck

  • ©harry

  • ©harry

  • ©moon harbour harry

  • ©moon harbour harry

  • ©moonharbour harry

  • ©moon harbour harry

  • ©moon harbour harry

  • ©moon harbour harry

  • ©moon harbour harry

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Helsøsken (4)


moon harbour hoko
moon harbour harry
moon harbour harnia
moon harbour harry

Avkom (41) (Etterkommere)

Født: 2019-05-11  Under: Mackenzie From China with love

Sky of the loving dols
Saphira of the loving dols

Født: 2017-11-22  Under: Mackenzie From China with love

Quamiel of the loving dols
Quarlientje of the loving dols
Quazan of the loving dols
Quamal of the loving dols
Quatie of the loving dols
Quyara of the loving dols

Født: 2017-05-29  Under: Machella From China with love

Quintus of the loving dols
Ch. Qazim of the loving dols
Q Nina of the loving dols
Qwispel of the loving dols

Født: 2017-03-15  Under: Anna Sky Kennel Zlata Princess

Qzlatalina of the loving dols
Qute Ollie of the loving dols
Qutie Marko of the loving dols
Quany Valentino

Født: 2016-11-07  Under: Macarena From China with love

Pepe of the Loving Dols
Ch. Pretty lady of the loving dols
Pablo of the loving dols
Pra of the loving dols
Paquita of the loving dols
Pacha of the Loving Dols
Papillon of the loving dols

Født: 2016-05-12  Under: Mackenzie From China with love

Pandora of the loving dols
Puna of the loving dols
Pieken of the loving dols
Pepper of the loving dols

Født: 2016-01-25  Under: Machella From China with love

Perro of the loving dols
Ch. Pedro of the loving dols

Født: 2015-06-06  Under: Anna Sky Kennel Zlata Princess

O Neil of the loving dols
Oiko of the loving dols
Ch. oraya of the loving dols
Osala of the loving dols
Orkan of the loving dols

Født: 2014-09-11  Under: Halphine little champs

Norman of the loving dols
Nero of the loving dols
Naisha of the loving dols

Født: 2014-09-09  Under: Machella From China with love

Narinka of the loving dols
Narinko of the loving dols

Født: 2013-11-28  Under: Anna Sky Kennel Zlata Princess

Mi amigo of the loving dols
Mi amor of the loving dols

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