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IHV-Elberegiosieger 2013, Bergstadt-Sieger 2013, EMRV-Europasieger 2013Charming Checker of Candymoor Castle

: 2012-08-05
: black/white
: Naken
: 32.00cm (12.5") / 4.80kg (10.5#)
Annette Schütte (Candymoor Castle, Tyskland)
Annette Schütte (Candymoor Castle, Tyskland)
  • 10 Monate
    ©A. Schütte

  • ©A. Schütte

  • ©A. Schütte

  • newborn
    ©A. Schütte

  • 3 Tage alt
    ©A. Schütte


PRA-clear, PLL-clear, Patella 0/0

Helsøsken (7)


Carry away my Heart of Candymoor Castle
Careless Whisper of Candymoor Castle
Cherry Lady of Candymoor Castle
Candle in the Wind of Candymoor Castle
Charming Checker of Candymoor Castle
Cruella de Ville of Candymoor Castle.
Crazy Little Love of Candymoor Castle

Avkom (19) (Etterkommere)

Født: 2021-03-19  Under: Trinity Winning Smile

Jinglebell of Candymoor Castle
Joy to the world of Candymoor Castle
Jumping Jack of Candymoor Castle
Just a sweet kiss of Candymoor Castle
Just a white Pearl of Candymoor Castle
Just like Honey of Candymoor Castle
Jungle King of Candymoor Castle

Født: 2020-09-25  Under: Baoloi the Bushwalker

Carlito the bushwalker
Curtis the bushwalker

Født: 2016-09-01  Under: Kiss von Shinbashi

Happy little Cloud
Highlight in my Dream
Hot Chocolate Kiss
How deep is your Love

Født: 2015-01-15  Under: Kiikunkaakun Ne tahtoo veivaa

Eternal Flame of Candymoor Castle
Early Daylight of Candymoor Castle
Excellent Adventure of Candymoor Castle
Eclipse of the Heart of Candymoor Castle
Ebony and Ivory of Candymoor Castle
English Rose of Candymoor Castle

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