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Burlesque Hot and Naked

: 2013-06-08
: Chocolate and White
: Naken
Anna Karlsson (Burlesque, Sverige)
Laura Kinnunen (Windy Willow's, Finland)
  • 1 year
    ©Marianne Virta

  • 11 months
    ©Camilla Nyström

  • ©

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  • to the right.

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Helsøsken (6)


Burlesque Pink Prison
Burlesque Spanking Love
Burlesque Lust For a Vampire
Burlesque Story of O
Burlesque Hot and Naked
Burlesque Pillow Book

Avkom (23) (Etterkommere)

Født: 2020-01-26  Under: Apinapartion Chocolate Dream To Allegranden

Allegranden Black Label Legacy

Født: 2018-11-20  Under: Windy Willow's Flying Colours

Windy Willow's Knight Galahad the Gallant
Windy Willow's Knight Lancelot of Round Table
Windy Willow's King Arthur Pendragon
Windy Willow's King's Lady Guinevere
Windy Willow's Knight Percival of Holy Grail

Født: 2018-10-18  Under: Apinapartion Chocolate Dream To Allegranden

Allegranden Isamu Shinji Yoshiro
Allegranden Ichiro Hayate Masaru
Allegranden Ishiko Shiro Shinobu
Allegranden Ishiko Shiro Shinobu
Allegranden Ikumi Yoshie Sakura
Allegranden Isao Yoshi Kichiro
Allegranden Izumi Yoshiko Shinju

Født: 2017-05-30  Under: Lady Buck's Bad Hair Day

Zinnystars Crumbelina De Caramello
Zinnystars Chili Con Candy
Zinnystars Cookie Monster
Zinnystars Crazy Cupcake

Født: 2015-12-26  Under: Windy Willow's Dancing Dragon

Windy Willow's Hot Jalapeno
Windy Willow's Hot and Spicy
Windy Willow's Hot Dog
Windy Willow's Hot Water Bottle
Windy Willow's Hot Chocolate
Windy Willow's Hot and Cool

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