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AUSTCH  Entourage Above and Beyond

: 2013-07-12
: Naken
Ms Rebecca Newton (Entourage, Australia)
Ms Rebecca Newton (Entourage, Australia)
  • Best Baby Puppy In Show, Melbourne Chinese Crested Society
    ©Faith Buckland

  • Baby
    ©Rebecca Newton

Helsøsken (17)


Entourage A Gift Of Gold
Entourage Dream a Little Dream
Entourage Professional Widow


Entourage Creature Feature
Entourage All About Ajei
Entourage Pink N Ice Is Nice
Entourage Simon Says Play
Entourage White Pirate


Entourage The Cats Whiskars
Entourage Devil In Disguise
Entourage Cherry Bomb
Entourage Above and Beyond


Entourage Bloke In A Cloak
Entourage Eternal Embrace
Entourage Maleficent
Entourage The Last Boy Scout
Aust & NZ Ch Entourage Eternal Echo

Avkom (4) (Etterkommere)

Født: 2015-05-02  Etter: Liliah Well Did Ya Evah

Entourage Twice Th Satisfaction
Entourage Evahlution
Entourage Twice Th Spice
Entourage Above It All

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