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DKCH  SECH  Cruft's Qual 2020Crestilux Chubby Chum

: 2018-02-13
: Naken
: 32.00cm (12.5")
Soile Lindberg (Crestilux, Sverige)
Soile Lindberg (Crestilux, Sverige)
  • 3,5 y

  • 18 m

  • ©Crestilux

  • Baxter 11 m

  • 12 w

  • 9½ weeks

  • 4 w

  • 2 w

  • 1 week

  • 3 days

  • 1 day


Patella 0/0
Cerfed Clear/ Ögonlyst UA 2019
DM Clear
PLL Carrier
PRA-prcd Clear
PRA-rcd3 Clear


Helsøsken (12)


Crestilux Cruise Control
Crestilux Candy Crush
Crestilux Cosmic Creation
Crestilux Caramel Chock
Crestilux Classy Chick
Crestilux Completely Correct
Crestilux Chubby Chum


Crestilux Favorite Flirt
Crestilux Fancy Fling
Crestilux Fantastic Formula
Crestilux Flexibely Fashion
Crestilux Famous Flower

Avkom (10) (Etterkommere)

Født: 2020-05-17  Under: Oblivion D'Oh Oh No

Crestilux Extreme Euphoria
Crestilux Exclusive Edition
Crestilux Eternal Enjoy
Crestilux Exotic Evening
Crestilux Endless Echo

Født: 2020-05-02  Under: Sweet-Licorice

Dino of Gnejs
Dizel of Gnejs
Dixon of Gnejs
Disco of Gnejs
Dixie of Gnejs

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