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Paradise Bird von Shinbashi

: 2005-01-27
: Powderpuff
Annerose Demski (von Shinbashi, Tyskland)
Co Owner Manuela Cornelius


Maligne Hyperthermia ( MH ) - CLEAR
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) - CLEAR
Hyperuricemia (HUU) ( SLC) - CLEAR
Dry Eye Curly Coat Syndrome - CLEAR
Glycogen Storage Disease GSD I - CLEAR
Prekallikrein deficiency - CLEAR
Thrombocytopaenia - CLEAR
Pyruvatekinase Deficiency (PKDef) 2 - CLEAR
CMR2 (Canine Multifocal Retinopathy) - CLEAR
Gangliosidosis, GM2, type II - CLEAR

Helsøsken (6)


Pick It Up for Show von Shinbashi
Perfect Performance Von Shinbashi
Phantastic Illusion Von Shinbashi
Perfect Performance Von Shinbashi
Paradise Bird von Shinbashi
Peppermint Sweet von Shinbashi

Avkom (13) (Etterkommere)

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