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AMCH  UKCCH  Tricreek's It's All Above the Clouds

Reg. Nr
: TR36954601
: 2005-03-05
: chocolate/cream furnishings
: Naken
Jennifer McFarlane (Tricreek, USA)
Sharon Wong (Above the Clouds, USA)

  • ©Fazzio

  • ©Niki

  • ©Leslie Searcy


Multi group winning

Helsøsken (2)


Tricreek's It's All Above the Clouds
Tricreek's It's All About the Jewels

Avkom (6) (Etterkommere)

Født: 2008-10-13  Under: Dokkum Send In The Clouds

Ch. Dokkum On Cloud Nine
Ch. Dokkum Reach Past The Clouds
Dokkum Puffy Clouds
Dokkum Beyond The Clouds

Født: 2008-02-20  Under: Jewels Iced Latte Above The Clouds Aom

Ch. Above The Clouds Dark Side Of The Moon
Ch. Above The Clouds Wok On The Moon

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