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AUSTCH  Xioma Wings Of The Night

Reg. Nr
: 5100042577
: 2006-11-08
: Sable cream
: Powderpuff
Sally & Sylvia Johnson (Xioma, Australia)
Sally & Sylvia Johnson (Xioma, Australia)
  • Sad face
    ©Nicole Catterall

  • Maud at Naracoorte
    ©Sally Johnson

  • ©Batae

  • Maud
    ©Sally Johnson

  • Maud
    ©Sally Johnson

  • Primary lens luxation NORMAL
    ©S Johnson

  • Current Eye Exam
    ©Sally Johnson

Helsøsken (3)


Xioma The Magic Dragon


Xioma Wings Of The Night
Xioma Cry Havoc

Avkom (11) (Etterkommere)

Født: 2012-02-19  Etter: Xioma Sharp Dressed Man

Ch. Xioma Darktown Strutter
Xioma And All That Jazz
Xioma Razzle Dazzle
Xioma Mack The Knife
Xioma The Box Of Pandora
Xioma Basin Street Blues

Født: 2009-01-06  Etter: Zalex Beautiful Norwegian Lover Boy

Xioma Wings Of Crystal
Xioma Wind Beneath My Wings
Xioma Wings To Fly
Xioma On Silent Wings
Xioma On Eagles Wings

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