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PLCH  vice Pl.Jr.Win, vice Jr.Win Middle and Eastern European CupAston Martin Gattaca

Reg. Nr
: S16363/2008
: 2007-01-28
: Vit & Mahogny
: Naken
Magdalena Kucko (Gattaca, Polen)
Eier ukjent.
  • 13.06.2010 Nat.Dog Show Raciborz: exc I, CWC, Best Male, BOB, vice BOG - and from now POLISCH CHAMPION!!!

  • 06.12.2009 Nat.Dog Show Nowa Ruda (PL): excelent I, CWC

  • 14.11.2009

  • CERF 11.2009: normal/clear

  • with mother and father :)

  • 14.11.2009

  • 14.11.2009

  • 14.11.2009

  • 14.11.2009

  • 14.11.2009

  • 14.11.2009

  • 08.11.2009 CACIB Poznan: exc I/4, CWC - he has started POLISCH CHAMPIONSHIP!!!

  • 08.11.2009 CACIB Poznan: exc I/4, CWC - he has started POLISCH CHAMPIONSHIP!!!

  • in Gattaca kennel - 06.11.2009

  • october 2009 in Gattaca kennel

  • october 2009 in Gattaca kennel

  • Max is back in Poland!!! :)

  • ©

  • ©

  • CC Speciality Askersund - Exc 1 CK, 4th Best Male, CERT

  • 03.07.2008 World Chinese Crested Speciality (Sweden): excelent IV
    ©Weronika Mlodozeniec

  • Int.Dog Show Opole (PL) - 27.04.2008

  • Int.Dog Show Opole - 27.04.2008

  • April 2008

  • april 2008

  • 09.02.2008 Int. Dog Show Rzeszow (PL) - exc II/4
    ©Roingold kennel

  • 10 months old

  • Int.Dog Show for the middle and eastern European Cup Poznan (PL) - excelent II/7, vice Jr.Win.Pl, vice.Jr.Winn Eur.Mid and East
    ©Sua Sponte kennel

  • 09.11.2007

  • 29.10.2007

  • 29.10.2007

  • 30.09.2007

  • 23.08.07

  • 05.08.2007 - National Dog Show Legnica - Max very promising I/4 and BOB Puppy

  • Father & son

  • ©Gattaca

  • 07.06.2007

  • 07.06.2007

  • 07.06.07

  • 21.05.2007

  • 21.05.07

  • 13.05.2007

  • 8 weeks

  • 6 weeks old

  • 6 weeks old

  • 6 weeks old

  • 6 weeks old

  • 6 weeks old
    ©El Queko

  • 3 weeks old
    ©Gattaca kennel

  • 3 weeks old
    ©El Qeko

  • ©El Qeko

  • ©Gattaca kennel

Helsøsken (5)


Apricot Bohito Gattaca
Alpen Gold Gattaca
Aston Martin Gattaca
Aprilia Pearl Gattaca
American Beauty Gattaca

Avkom (5) (Etterkommere)

Født: 2009-01-09  Under: Ermyone Little Champs

Paw-a-dee Jail-O
Paw-a-dee Jailguard Luv
Paw-a-dee Jailbird Blues
Paw-a-dee Jailing Suzy
Paw-a-dee Jailer Jane

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