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SLOJCH  BGJCH RSJCHStars at Sea Fallen Angel

Reg. Nr
: BEK - 76244
: 2008-02-21
: White, black ear
: Powderpuff
: 29.00cm (11.4") / 4.00kg (8.81#)
Polona Blatnik (Stars at Sea, Slovenia)
Antonios Kolidas (Of Rose Red (FCI), Hellas)
  • Int. Dog Show Athens Greece, 20/06/2010,3rd place in group 9

  • KOE International Dog Show, Athens - Greece 09/05/2010
    ©Katarzyna Zienkiewicz

  • CACIB Ljubljana 2009
    ©iRiS S

  • ©Of Rose Red

  • ©Of Rose Red

  • Nov.2009

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • CACIB Ljubljana 2009
    ©iRiS S

  • CACIB Milano 2009

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • Just for walk and practice at CAC - CACIB - ATHENS (Thank you Polona and Gregor for your support)

  • Just for walk and practice at CAC - CACIB - ATHENS (Thank you Polona and Gregor for your support)

  • 9 months

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • 8 months

  • 8 months

  • 8 months

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.Kolidas

  • ©A.K.

  • ©A.K.

  • ©A.K.

  • ©Antonios Kolidas

  • ©Antonios Kolidas

  • 2 months old

  • 2 days old

  • 2 days old


Best Junior & Best Female on CACIB Bergamo (Italy) 2009
Best Junior + Qualified for Crufts 2010 on CACIB Milano (Italy) 2009
Best Junior - SLO Junior Club Winner 2009, JBOB and Res. JBIS on Specialty for small breeds in Ljubljana (Slovenia) 2009
Best Junior, JBOB and between last finalist in JBIS on CACIB Tromostovje-Ljubljana (Slovenia) 2009
Best Junior, JBOB and Res. JBIS on CACIB Sofia (Bulgaria) 2009
Best Junior, JBOB and BOB on CACIB Sofia (Bulgaria) 2009
Best Junior and JBOB on CACIB Belgrade (Serbia) 2009
Best Junior and JBOB on CAC Celje - Winter Winner (Slovenia) 2009
Best Junior and JBOB on CACIB Gonzaga-Mantova (Italy) 2009
Best Junior and JBOB on CAC Parma (Italy) 2009
Best Junior, Junior BOB and BOB on CACIB Athens (Greece) 2009
Int. Dog Show,Athens Greece,08/05/2010,VG
Int. Dog Show,Athens Greece,09/05/2010, Ex.1 in open class, RCAC-RCACIB
Int. Dog Show Athens Greece, 20/06/2010, Ex. in open class, CAC-CACIB,BOB, 3rd place in group 9

Helsøsken (7)


Stars at Sea Fandango
Stars at Sea Follow Me, Boys
Stars at Sea Fatal Attraction
Stars at Sea Femme Fatale
Stars at Sea For Your Eyes Only
Stars at Sea Fallen Angel
Stars at Sea Fear in The Night

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