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Doucai's Naughty Nite

: 2008-04-09
: slate pink
: Naken
Alexandra Cole (Doucai, England)
Mr & Mrs Slavin (Chinacrest, Australia)

  • ©M Smith

  • ©a cole

  • ©b cole

  • ©b cole

  • ©m smith

  • ©B Cole

  • ©b smith

  • ©B Cole

  • ©B Cole

  • ©b smith

  • ©b smith

  • ©b smith

  • ©b smith

  • ©B Cole

  • ©A Cole

  • ©A Cole

  • ©A Cole

  • ©A Cole

  • ©A Cole


stud book number

Helsøsken (10)


Doucai's Exotic Dreamer
Doucai's Seducing The World
Doucai's The Seductress
Doucai's Sexy and Straight
Doucai's Horny Heiress
Doucai's Naughty Nite
Doucai's Naughty Nite
Doucai's Naughty Nite
Doucai's Exotic Dreamer


Chinacrest Fame Monster

Avkom (8) (Etterkommere)

Født:   Under: Doucai Juicy Lucy

Phoenix arises again

Født:   Under: Chinacrest Formal Affair

Chinacrest Foreign Affair

Født: 2011-11-19  Under:

Chinacrest Just Call Me

Født: 2010-11-15  Under: Chinacrest Call Me Jinx

Ch. Leechrista Call Me Solo

Født: 2008-12-30  Under: Doucai Madam The Minx

Doucai Real Delectation
Doucai's Pure Vivacity
Doucai's Notorious Noble
Doucai's True Euphoria

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