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Absolute Souls Micro Tiny Wow

: 2009-07-21
: Black/White
: Naken
: 34.00cm (13.3") / 6.50kg (14.3#)
Heidi & Tone Strand (Absolute Soul, Norge)
Trond Are Pedersen
  • 13 months 22.08.10
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 3 years
    ©Heidi Strand

  • ©?

  • 13 months 22.08.10
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 13 months 22.08.10
    ©Heidi Strand

  • Chevy, Tyggis and Smoothie in Oslo 15.08.10
    ©Heidi Strand

  • Chevy, Tyggis and Smoothie in Oslo 15.08.10
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 1 year
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 9 months

  • Smoothie and Trond

  • 9 months

  • 9 months

  • Smoothie and Lavazza
    ©Trond and Wanda

  • in his new home

  • In his new Home

  • Smoothie 10 weeks
    ©Heidi Strand

  • Smoothie 10 weeks
    ©Heidi Strand

  • ©Heidi Strand

  • ©Heidi Strand

  • ©Heidi Strand

  • ©Heidi Strand

  • ©Heidi Strand

  • 7 weeks
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 7 weeks
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 7 weeks
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 7 weeks

  • 7 weeks

  • 5 1/2 weeks
    ©Heidi Strand

  • ©Heidi Strand

  • 5 weeks
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 5 weeks
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 3 weeks
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 1 Week
    ©Heidi Strand

  • 1 Week
    ©Heidi Strand


1 X HP

Helsøsken (5)


Absolute Souls Micro Tiny Wow
Absolute Souls Micro Tiny Suprise
Absolute Souls Micro Tiny Suddenly
Absolute Souls Micro Tiny Only Me
Absolute Souls Micro Tiny Hello

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