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Selinas-Edition Matrix

: 2010-05-23
: Naken
: 33.02cm (13")
Sandra Tump - van Elteren (Selinas Edition, Netherlands)
P. Keune
  • ©Selinas-Edition
    5 months old..

  • ©Dutch Rebels

  • Matrix at the age of 4/5 months :-)

  • ©Dutchrebels

  • ©DR

  • ©Dutchrebels

  • almost 13 weeks

  • 12 weeks today..

  • ©Selinas-Edition

  • ©Selinas-Edition

  • 9 weeks
    ©dutch rebels

  • ©Dutch Rebels

  • Matrix 7 weeks
    ©Dutch Rebels

  • ©DR

  • ©Dutch Rebels

  • Matrix 6 weeks

  • 3,5 weeks

  • Puppy love..

  • ©Selinas-Edition

  • ©Selinas-Edition

  • One week old :-)

  • ©Selinas-Edition

  • M litter....4 days old.

  • two days old....
    true hairless boy..

  • newborn...
    true hairless male

Helsøsken (6)


Selinas-Edition Matrix
Selinas-Edition Maximus
Selinas-Edition Max Mara


Selinas Edition Navaro
Selinas Edition Nanouk
Multi. Ch. Selinas Edition Nazoura

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