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Canadian Champion

Championgalleriet viser hunder sortert etter tittel. Merk at kun titler som er i listen vi har utarbeidet blir vist,
gi oss gjerne beskjed om det er titler som mangler.

Totalt  839  Championer
side  << 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 >>
Crestars Mane Attraction
Crestars Gotcha Pix Zee Dust H
Crestars The Heat Izzon HL
Crestars Mane Attraction
f: 2002-09-16
3  avkom
Crestars Gotcha Pix Zee Dust H
f: 2002-09-16
12  avkom
Crestars The Heat Izzon HL
f: 2002-09-16
10  avkom
Moonswift Rhinestone Cowboy
Frendor's O'Lala
Tournais Swedish Saint To Sunberry
Moonswift Rhinestone Cowboy
f: 2002-09-01
6  avkom
Frendor's O'Lala
f: 2002-08-02
Tournais Swedish Saint To Sunberry
f: 2002-07-20
21  avkom
Swifthaven Little Bit Of That
Crestars Double Xposure
Crestars Muzic In Motion HL
Swifthaven Little Bit Of That
f: 2002-06-17
1  avkom
Crestars Double Xposure
f: 2002-06-09
1  avkom
Crestars Muzic In Motion HL
f: 2002-06-09
Crestars Love Bug PF
Wanrods Jrf Ga On My Mind
Wanrods Jrf White Russian DOM
Crestars Love Bug PF
f: 2002-06-09
3  avkom
Wanrods Jrf Ga On My Mind
f: 2002-06-07
8  avkom
Wanrods Jrf White Russian DOM
f: 2002-06-07
25  avkom
Totalt  839  Championer
side  << 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 >>
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