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Russian Junior Champion

Championgalleriet viser hunder sortert etter tittel. Merk at kun titler som er i listen vi har utarbeidet blir vist,
gi oss gjerne beskjed om det er titler som mangler.

Totalt  2380  Championer
side  << 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 >>
Star Level Terpikeravnos
Zhuchka Pyatnistaya ot Volnogo Psa
Status Imperial Golden Lady
Star Level Terpikeravnos
f: 2013-02-11
20  avkom
Zhuchka Pyatnistaya ot Volnogo Psa
f: 2013-02-02
1  avkom
Status Imperial Golden Lady
f: 2013-02-01
Status Imperial Gravity Rush
Status Imperial Gift of Fortune
Status Imperial Gravity Rush
f: 2013-02-01
Status Imperial Gift of Fortune
f: 2013-02-01
Status Imperial Game no Rules
f: 2013-02-01
1  avkom
Gallurius Infanta Marie Antoinette
Sasquehanna Pogrom
Showplace Richness Of Content
Gallurius Infanta Marie Antoinette
f: 2013-02-01
9  avkom
Sasquehanna Pogrom
f: 2013-01-28
17  avkom
Showplace Richness Of Content
f: 2013-01-26
20  avkom
Showplace Rear Admiral
Showplace Rapunzel
Ashantal Empress
Showplace Rear Admiral
f: 2013-01-26
34  avkom
Showplace Rapunzel
f: 2013-01-26
Ashantal Empress
f: 2013-01-21
Totalt  2380  Championer
side  << 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 >>
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