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Dato/Klokkeslett: 2007-12-03 09:46:49.828284

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Cory Bos Bohemia

" Cory "

Reg. Nr
: CMKU/CIN/2063/06 ()
: 09.03.2006 ()
: white ()
: ()
Bos Bohemia ,
Milada Kovarova


Junior Champion SK,Junior Champion CZ,Club Champion CZ, CAJC-HPJ H, BIG IX 4.-8. place, Excelent 4 from EDS Zahreb, Very promissing from CACIB shows, club show and WDS Poznan, BOB, CACIB CZ,8x res. CACIB(2x res.CACIB SK,3 x res. CACIB A,2x res. CACIB D,res. CACIB SLO), 3 x CAC CZ, 5X CAC H, 4x VDH D, 4x CAC SK, 4x CACA A, 2x CWC PL, 3 x CAC CRO,2 x CAC SLO, Best Hundin A, NDSwR PL, Best PP female Club show CZ
( Junior Champion SK,Junior Champion CZ,Club Champion CZ, CAJC-HPJ H, BIG IX 4.-8. place, Excelent 4 from EDS Zahreb, Very promissing from CACIB shows, club show and WDS Poznan, BOB, CACIB CZ,6x res. CACIB(2x res.CACIB SK,res. CACIB A,2x res. CACIB D,res. CACIB SLO), 3 x CAC CZ, 5X CAC H, 4x VDH D, 4x CAC SK, 2x CACA A, 2x CWC PL, 3 x CAC CRO,2 x CAC SLO, Best Hundin A, NDSwR PL, Best PP female Club show CZ

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