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Dato/Klokkeslett: 2009-08-10 14:08:33.617707

Kjønn: f
Altoria Peto Rose of Silesia

: 29.01.2008 ()
: black and white ()
: ()
Rose of Silesia ,
Rose of Silesia ,


3x excellent 1, VDH (D)
3x excellent 1, CAC (SK)
1x excellent 1, CAC (CZ)
1x excellent 1, CACA (A)
2x excellent 2, res. CAC (SK)

1x excellent 1, CAJC (CZ)
1x excellent 1, Zw. Mlodezy (PL)
2x excellent 1, CAJC (SK)
3x excellent 1, Jugendbester (A)

4x excellent 2
2x excellent 4

very promissing 1 - Club show (CZ)
( 2x excellent 1, VDH (D)
3x excellent 1, CAC (SK)
1x excellent 1, CAC (CZ)
1x excellent 1, CACA (A)
2x excellent 2, res. CAC (SK)

1x excellent 1, CAJC (CZ)
1x excellent 1, Zw. Mlodezy (PL)
2x excellent 1, CAJC (SK)
3x excellent 1, Jugendbester (A)

4x excellent 2
2x excellent 4

very promissing 1 - Club show (CZ)

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